The Future of Public Health National Summit SeriesWatch Past Recordings and Stay Tuned for Future Updates
The practice of public health and the policies to advance it have proven their vital importance in recent years, revealing the need for a future-forward, future-ready public health system that helps assure everyone can attain their full potential for health and well-being.
A Lights, Camera, Action summit series, which consisted of five online convenings from 2021–2023, provided an opportunity to discuss and consider strategies to build a resilient, trusted system to meet infrastructure, workforce and health equity goals.
Each of these webinars features public-health experts from organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the CDC Foundation, the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), Big Cities Health Coalition, and state, tribal, local and territorial health departments who share lessons learned and best practices, as well as offering recommendations on how to move toward a modernized U.S. public health system.
These virtual seminars have examined topics including the importance of community partnerships; data modernization; laws, governance and finance; and other key public health issues. The latest summit, Strengthening the Public Health Workforce, recorded in June 2023, looks at COVID-19 pandemic innovations and advancements in public health, and features discussions and ideas on workforce recruitment, retention and more.
Learn more and explore recordings of the summits, presentations, reports and other related resources.
Past Summits:
Summit 1:
Achieving a Diverse and Effective Public Health Workforce: December 6, 2021
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Summit 2:
Data Modernization: January 25, 2022
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Summit 3:
Strengthening Public Health Law, Governance and Finance to Support a Modern System: February 23, 2022
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Summit 4:
Catalyzing Cross-Sectoral Partnerships and Community Engagement: March 23, 2022
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Summit 5:
Strengthening the Public Health Workforce: June 29, 2023
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Lights, Camera, Action Theme
The lights represent the guiding lights from research, such as PH Wins, Staffing Up, Public Health Forward, Public Health 3.0, Seven Ways Businesses Can Align with Public Health for Bold Action and Innovation, Recommendations from the National Commission to Transform Public Health Data Systems, and more. The lights are also exemplars in the field in practice and policy.
The camera represents the view of public health through the lens of the pandemic and the loss of trust. Today, there is a need for the United States to refocus the camera to rebuild trust and transform public health. The camera also emphasizes the need for everything to be seen through an equity lens.
Action includes local, state, and national actions informed by the lights and camera.
Together we can write a new script and produce a new future for public health.

Esmeralda Garza BA
Senior Administrative Services Analyst, COVID Infection Control, Yolo County Public Health Department
Esmeralda Garza is the Sr. Administrative Services Analyst, COVID Infection Control for the Yolo County Public Health Department. Throughout the pandemic, she’s worked to make information and resources available to Spanish speaking residents, particularly our farmworkers. Garza works collaboratively with community partners to increase access to COVID19 testing and vaccines for our Latino population.

Garth Lewis
Yolo County Superintendent of Schools, Yolo County Office of Education
Elected to his position in 2018, Garth Lewis serves as the Yolo County Superintendent of Schools, supporting five school districts serving 30,000 students and other key agencies that serve children, youth and families throughout Yolo County. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Yolo County Office of Education, under his leadership, has provided critical support to maintain the health and safety of students and school staff, including the distribution of emergency supplies, PPE and testing.

Judy Monroe MD
President and CEO, CDC Foundation

Debbie Salas-Lopez MD, MPH
Senior Vice President, Community and Population Health, Northwell Health
As senior vice president of community and population health, Debbie Salas-Lopez, MD, MPH, oversees Northwell Health’s community and public health strategy, including community health investment, community relations, strategic community partnerships, the Center for Equity of Care, as well as the smoking cessation, human trafficking and Food as Health programs. Dr. Salas-Lopez’s leadership was critical during the COVID-19 pandemic. She and her team have partnered with various community and faith-based leaders to identify their most-pressing needs, which became the catalyst for Northwell’s faith-based testing initiative — a program where Northwell partners with community and faith-based centers to offer free diagnostic and serology (antibody) testing. Dr. Salas-Lopez is also leading the Long Island Regional Health Equity Task Force. She also received the 2021 Tribute to Excellence in Health Care award from the United Hospital Fund.

Emily Mosites PhD, MPH, LCDR USPHS
Senior Advisor on Special Populations, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Emily Mosites, PhD MPH, LCDR USPHS, is the Senior Advisor on Special Populations to the Deputy Director for Infectious Diseases at CDC. She focuses on infectious disease prevention among people experiencing homelessness or incarceration. LCDR Mosites received her MPH in Epidemiology of Microbial Disease from Yale University and her PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Washington.

Eduardo Sanchez MD, MPH, FAAFP
Chief Medical Officer, American Heart Association
Dr. Eduardo Sanchez serves as Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for Prevention for the American Heart Association (AHA). He is the Principal Investigator (PI) of the National Hypertension Control Initiative (NHCI), a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health (OMH) and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). He is the AHA clinical lead on Target:BP (a joint blood pressure control initiative with the American Medical Association) and KnowDiabetesbyHeartTM (a joint cardiovascular risk factor control initiative with the American Diabetes Association). He is one of the authors of the AHA Presidential Advisory on Structural Racism and its health effects. Prior to joining AHA, he served as Vice President and CMO for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas.

Jackie Qataliña Schaeffer
Community Development Manager, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
Jackie Qataliña Schaeffer, an Iñupiaq from Kotzebue, Alaska, is the Community Development Manager at the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. For a decade she has worked across Alaska holistically infusing indigenous knowledge into a variety of sectors she has experience in, including comprehensive planning, energy, housing, water security, and sanitation and climate change adaptation for rural communities.

Lili Farhang MPH
Co-Director, Human Impact Partners
Lili Farhang, MPH, co-directs Human Impact Partners, a national non-profit that seeks to transform the field of public health to center equity and build collective power with social justice movements. For nearly 20 years, she has visioned, developed, and implemented policy and systems change to advance health equity in the government and nonprofit sectors.

Mike Goze
Chief Executive Officer, American Indian Community Development Corporation
Michael A. Goze is a member of the Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin. He is currently the CEO of the American Indian Community Development Corporation in Minneapolis MN. He has served as a Legislator for the Ho-Chunk Nation, a special assistant to David W Anderson Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs. He has been involved with the Twin Cities Urban Indian Community for over 30 years.

Melissa Marshall MD
Chief Executive Officer, CommuniCare Health Centers
Dr. Melissa Marshall serves as the Chief Executive Officer for CommuniCare Health Centers in Davis, California, a federally-qualified health center organization which serves one in nine Yolo County residents. Prior to being named CEO, Dr. Marshall was the Chief Medical Officer for three years and also served as the Chief Medical Officer of Community Health Center Network (CHCN), which provides network and management services organization for Alameda County’s eight federally-qualified health centers. Dr. Marshall previously served as the Associate Medical Director for Family Care Health Centers, in St. Louis, Missouri. She received her undergraduate degree from Stanford University, her medical degree from Washington University in St. Louis, and completed her Family Medicine residency at University of California at Davis Medical Center.

Mike Webb MPA
City Manager, City of Davis
Mike Webb has served as city manager for the City of Davis since December 2017. Prior to his appointment to city manager, Webb served as the City of Davis director of community development & sustainability from 2013-2016 and from 2014-2017 held the concurrent role of assistant city manager, overseeing the Public Works and Parks & Community Services departments. During his 24-year tenure with the City of Davis, he has worked in the key areas of economic development, land use planning, permitting, organizational and policy development and climate change/sustainability.

Raymond F. Kerins, Jr. MS
Chief Executive Officer, The Next Solutions Group
Ray Kerins is Chief Executive Officer of The Next Solutions Group, a corporate reputation, issues management, business intelligence and cybersecurity organization. Prior to NSG, Ray was Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs for Bayer Corporation. At Bayer, he managed all communications, government relations and policy for the company’s main businesses – Agricultural, Consumer, Pharmaceuticals and Animal Health. He was a member of the U.S. Country Leadership Team and the Bayer Global Leadership Council. Ray also oversaw the Bayer U.S. Foundation and was chairman of Bayer’s political action committee. Prior to Bayer, Ray was Vice President of external affairs & worldwide communications for Pfizer Inc. Prior to Pfizer, he was Executive Director of public affairs for Merck & Co.

Robynne Rose-Haymer MA Ed.
Deputy Chief Program Officer, Sacramento LGBT Community Center
Robynne Rose-Haymer, MA Ed. serves as the Deputy Chief Program Officer for the Sacramento LGBT Community Center. With over twenty years of workforce development, program development & implementation, and leadership experience, Robynne’s continuing passion is helping people obtain the education and skills they need to pursue their goals. Since she completed the Prosperity Now Platforms for Prosperity Fellowship in partnership with Bank of America, Robynne has become a champion for financial capability integration into workforce development programming.

Rochelle Walensky MD, MPH
Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Dr. Rochelle Walensky became the 19th director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the ninth Administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry in January 2021 after serving on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic as chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital from 2017–2020 and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School from 2012–2020. Dr. Walensky is an influential scholar whose pioneering research has helped advance the national and global response to HIV/AIDS, serving as the National Institutes of Health’s chair of the Office of AIDS Research Advisory Council from 2014 to 2015 and as a member of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Panel on Antiretroviral Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents since 2011. Dr. Walensky is also a well-respected expert on the value of testing and treatment of deadly viruses and has conducted research on vaccine delivery and strategies to reach underserved communities.

Rosanne Haggerty
President and CEO, Community Solutions
An internationally recognized leader in developing innovative strategies to end homelessness and strengthen communities, Rosanne Haggerty is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Community Solutions. Community Solutions assists communities throughout the US and internationally in solving the complex housing problems facing their most vulnerable residents. Their large-scale change initiatives include the 100,000 Homes and Built for Zero Campaigns to end chronic and veteran homelessness, and neighborhood partnerships that bring together local residents and institutions to change the conditions that produce homelessness.

Professor Dame Sally Davies
UK Special Envoy on Antimicrobial Resistance, UK Department of Health & Social Care
Dame Sally Davies was appointed as the UK Government’s Special Envoy on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in 2019. She is also the 40th Master of Trinity College, Cambridge University. Dame Sally was the Chief Medical Officer for England and Senior Medical Advisor to the UK Government from 2011-2019. She is a leading figure in global health, having served as a member of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Executive Board 2014-2016, and as co-convener of the United Nations Inter-Agency Co-ordination Group (IACG) on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), reporting in 2019. In 2020, she became the second woman (and the first outside the Royal family) to be appointed Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath (GCB) for services to public health and research.

Stephen Massey MIA
Co-founder, Meteorite
Stephen Massey is a social entrepreneur and co-founder of Meteorite, an impact agency that builds coalitions for good. In this role, he serves as Director of the Health Action Alliance, a unique partnership between leading business, communications and public health organizations to strengthen business action on critical health issues, improve health equity and help rebuild public health. Prior to launching Meteorite, Stephen co-founded a non-profit health policy organization in Russia and Ukraine, helped mobilize more than 300 of the world’s leading media companies in response to AIDS, and managed a multi-million dollar investment portfolio on behalf of a major operating foundation and the United Nations.

Zoraida Rodríguez Montenegro
Senior Public Policy Manager – Federal Affairs Team, Uber
Zoraida Rodríguez is an attorney and former diplomat with over 15 years of experience. She currently serves as Senior Public Policy Manager for Uber’s Federal Affairs team, based in Washington, D.C. Prior to this role, she was the Public Policy Manager for Central America and the Caribbean region, based in Panama.
Before joining Uber, Zoraida served as Deputy Permanent Representative for the Republic of Panama to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, Switzerland.
Materials From Summit Series
Watch the Recordings
Listen to the Podcasts
View the Summary Reports
View the Accelerating Action Reports
Below is a listing of resources for the summit series as well as resources for each summit. Additional resources will be added on an ongoing basis.
Summit Series Resources
Summit 1 Resources
Summit 2 Resources
- Transforming Public Health Data Systems
- Public Health Data Systems Task Force 2021: Report to the Health Information Technology Advisory Committee
- Public Health Covid-19 Impact Assessment: Lessons Learned and Compelling Needs
- Building Back Better: Transforming U.S. Public Health Data and Infrastructure to Protect Health and Achieve Health Equity
Summit 3 Resources
- Better Health Faster: The 5 Essential Public Health Law Services
- The Network for Public Health Law: Five Essential Public Health Law Services
- Blueprint for Changemakers: Achieving Health Equity Through Law & Policy
- Equitable Enforcement to Achieve Health Equity: An Introductory Guide for Policymakers and Practitioners
- Public Health Law Academy
- Civil Rights of Health: A New Approach to Challenging Structural Inequality
- Aligning Federal Funding to Build Resilient, Equitable Communities
- Aligning Federal Funding Brief
- Aligning in Crisis Funding Innovations Brief
- Applying the Aligning in Crisis Principles
- Local Wellness Funds
- Local Wellness Funds: Advancing the Practice
- Bridging for Health
- U.S. Treasury Department’s Fact Sheet for State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds
- National League of Cities ARPA Local Relief FAQs
- Emergency Supplemental Funding to State, Local, Territorial, and Tribal Governments
- NASHP: How States are Spending American Rescue Plan Act Funds (interactive map)
- ASTHO: Profile of State and Territorial Public Health
- Law and Urban Governance for Health in Times of Rapid Change
- The Legal Response to Covid-19: Legal Pathways to a More Effective and Equitable Response
- Sustainability Framework: Do You Have Funding Diversification?
- Braiding and Layering Funding for Adverse Childhood Experience Prevention
- Braiding and Layering Funding to Address Supportive Housing
- Public Health Finance
Summit 4 Resources
- Business and Public Health: Working Together for More Prosperous Communities
- Seven Ways Businesses Can Align With Public Health for Bold Action and Innovation
- Community Solutions: Homelessness is Solvable
- Home is Where Our Health is: Policies to Improve the Health of Renters in Milwaukee and Beyond
- Learning from COVID-19: Reimagining Public-Private Partnerships in Public Health
- Pandemic-Driven Health Policies to Address Social Needs and Health Equity
- Health Departments building Power for Health Equity
- ASTHO: State Policy Can Reduce Systemic Racism in Public Health
- APHA: Racism is a Public Health Crisis (interactive map)
- Big Cities Health Coalition: Equity Lens Tool for Health Departments
- Assessing Meaningful Community Engagement: A Conceptual Model to Advance Health Equity through Transformed Systems for Health
- Reimagining Public-Private Partnerships in Public Health
- Creating Healthy Communities Through Cross-sector Collaboration
- Health Action Alliance (multisector partnership creating resources for businesses)
The Lead Local Collaborative: Exploring Community-Driven Change and the Power of Collective Action
Summit 5 Resources
- CDC Foundation Guide to Building Tribal Public Health Capacity
- Bridging Critical Public Health Gaps
- The Impact of Chronic Underfunding on Americas Public Health System: Trends, Risks, and Recommendations
- Public Health Careers
- ASTHO: PH-HERO Workforce Resource Center
- Public Health Accreditation Board – Public Health Learnings
- Bipartisan Policy Center
- CDC COVID-19 Response Health Equity Strategy: Accelerating Process Towards Reducing COVID-19 Disparities and Achieving Health Equity
- Advancing Science and Health Equity – Measures of Success
Summit Series Host
Partners are supporting the Lights, Camera, Action Summit Series and helping to catalyze activities needed to propel positive action, rebuild confidence, foster health equity and transform our nation’s public health system. If you are interested in supporting this mission, please contact the CDC Foundation at
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